Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pop Tarts... You, Sly Dog!!

I have always had a soft spot for Pop Tarts. I mean.. Who doesn't?!! That smores flavor. I never need to leave the house. Instantly, a (was) standby in any college cubby.

Leaving college, I never revisited Pop Tarts. Just way too many other foods to give up shelf space for.

And, then came this!

Pop Tarts Kid Dancing - Celebrity bloopers here

This dangerously, cute cartoon from Pop Tarts. HOW DID THEY KNOW IM A SUCKER FOR ALL THINGS ANIMATED, BIG HEADED, DANCING and OFF THE WALL ADORABLE! They must have my behavioral data somewhere. I am now convinced that if my mother gave me frosty strawberry pastries with real fruit everyday, I too, would dance my way off to work.

Must. Get. Pop Tarts. Now.

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