Monday, June 1, 2009

Ain't no cookin' like momma's cooking. That's right...

There are times when Mother Liang can be more than one or an army of Christine's can handle.
Here are some Academy Award winning moments:

Sundays; wiping around the couch while we are sitting on it enjoying bad Sunday afternoon tv. Let me add to the fact that the tv is also being wiped down. AND THE REMOTE CONTROL. If we just plastic-fied everything, I think life could be slightly easier.

Nights; while watching tv, she will proceed to turn on the laptop, find her asian soap opera and play it. SIMULTANEOUSLY. Yes, sound overlapping is way great.

Weekends; when asian fury strikes after one alcoholic drink. "Mei (She calls me Mei. Sometimes, Mei Mei, to get back to my youthful days), you are having too many cold beverages. Its bad for you. No wonder your skin is bad. All that mixing in there is not good for your health in the long run. In the future, you will have bad aches and pains. You have a big red patch on your neck. I think you're allergic." And this is while I'm standing there making another drink, in front of all my friends. Mom!!! You're embarrassing me!!!

But, despite all of that... Everyday she is one all star mom, with some mvp cooking.

No time is a good time unless its... Hot Pot Time. 

My version of her fish. I think I'm 97% there with this recipe. Although, she always points out my ginger cutting needs improvement. Thinner slices, Christine. Thinner slices! Where did I go wrong!

Shrimp / Chicken Ho Fun. The body's medicinal cure. These noodles can turn away all evil spirits. Yes, noodles can do that. Don't doubt the power of noodles.

And for my Father Liang... he has his high points too. He's on my side. A feaster. The benefits of marrying a well rounded woman. Props to you dad!

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