Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hangover = Carb Loading

I'm going to be straight up with you. Last night was a brutal night on the liver. Making many rounds with the dark and stormys followed by as many rounds of milk thistle to fix the damage.
But with every Saturday night, I have an even more tasteful Sunday morning.

Sunday can be summed up like this:

Bo Lo Bao, Pineapple Bun for Breakfast

Sesame bagel with smoked norwegian salmon, scallion cream cheese, tomato + onion, Russ & Daughters for lunch

Spring Rolls with Vermicilli, Grilled Chicken with Vermicelli, Etc, Etc Feast!, Nam Son for Dinner

Mint ice cream with cookies, chocolate covered peanuts, coconut flakes, and whatever else I could find under the kitchen sink. Plus, roasted peas and roasted peanuts for dessert. Not pictured for your own protection.

...I'm sleeping so happy tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MY FAVORITE>>> Pineapple buns!!!!! Must go to Chinatown...