Saturday, October 24, 2009

To sin or not to sin...

You know what Im talking about. You know where Im going with this.

I live by it.
Ive walked by it.
Ive seen it.
Ive read numerous boasting reviews and experiences bloggers have had at the 12 seat gem.
But... Ive never made it there once. Many failed attempts and not one, measly time!

Although I can only blame myself for such a crime, its T-F 9am to 3am sure doesnt help. Shopsins... you push me into this little corner and you force me to do some things that can take a bite at my professional career (what about marketing career? I didnt hear a thing). With food, there is always a way.. And that way, was the personal day way.

What you need to know about Shopsin is that...
Its a place where you find your dream food meal.
Was there ever a time you wanted eggs, bacon and some sausage but at the same moment you wished you could also get the french toast with that lovely fruit compote? Yes, we have all been there and we have wish we could just get both in a meal. Meals like you have in Disneyland where you can get anything you want without anyone asking any questions. And now there is. You can have your french toast, eggs and bacon wrapped in some kind of sandwich form and it doesnt come in Mickey Mouse shapes!

My best gal Juanita decided to participate in the Shopsin experience. She was a proud customer of the French Toast sandwich with eggs and bacon. Amen!

Look! It's Kenny in the back! And if you dont know Kenny, then thats a poor mistake. Get to know him some more over on Conan Obrien.

We managed to uncover the holy grail while at Shopsin. Yes, IT IS that colorful. About 38572384104901 options to choose from. I wish I had a wheel of fortune wheel to help out with this part.

Happiness comes in many forms. This was version 1.0 of it. Chorizo and eggs; you have my heart. The home fries were not far behind.

Ill take another personal day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hail thee Bourdain

There is one thing that most people know about me. Im my own beat. That being a broken chord or some intense, metal solo, I feel like there isnt a replica of me out there. Or, hope there isnt because one, thats creepy and two, Im not follow or mimic worthy. Ive even been coined... "Thats so Christine" by many, and I laugh at it knowing that Im a definition in someone's vocabulary. That the term "Thats so Christine" could be a reference to sweater vests, eating peanut butter, 80s music, ginger beer, asian fury and many other gimmicky things.

But, one thing I definitely do not have a mind of my own is my love for Mr. Bourdain. Whatever Anthony Bourdain says, Christine will do. Whatever Anthony Bourdain wants, I probably want too. And, if Anthony Bourdain wants me to jump off a bridge, Im most definitely not jumping off any bridge. The point is... the man is an influential one and I had a chance to hear him speak at the NYC Food and Wine festival with one of the city's favorite chefs; David Chang.

Right off the bat, Bourdain was honest and truthful. He was no bad boy chef that everyone made him out to be. He's just verbal and he just doesnt agree with Rachel Ray or Paula Deen. Hey, its okay. Only so many people can be fans of donut hamburgers.

The talk was one of many laughs, curses and attacks. What it is to be in the culinary world! Ahhh.. More than ever, I need to open up my business. Whatever it is, I need to open it. Truck, bar, chain restaurant (I dont mean that), shop... Im all for it. Who's in for being my employee? Im paying minimum wage!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's official. Im a child and happy about it.

Dont get me wrong. Yes, I DID just turn 24 two weeks ago.
Yes, I CAN tell you which one is Mary Kate and which one is Ashley Olsen. (I have a knack for celebrity sightings. NYC has trained me well)
YES, I DO believe in the resurrection of the publication industry (GO PAPER!)

While I might vouch for my aging; gaining wisdom and knowledge after turning a ripe 24... Im a child. A child at heart.

Isnt it good? Now, just multiply that goodness by 35436983949 with the X element of 3d glasses. Now, you have the most amazing food movie (just movie) of all time! Beat that Julie & Julia!

My girlfriend and I couldnt keep our composure together. The movie was absolutely heartwarming, silly, grand, cheesy (we had nachos and cheez doodles), spot on and amusing. Plus, we just didnt want to take off the 3d glasses. They look too much like hip Rayban wayfarers.
Im keeping them on.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ringing in 24 years

I turned a remarkable 24 years old, exactly 2 weeks ago. Phew... How did I get here? Some would say (me particularly), its actually just 23 again. Yes, denial set in! Was that a white hair???! Or was it gray? Or red from that one year way back?

Anyways, Im officially 24 and couldnt be happier about it. HONESTLY, Im sooooo over 23. Instantly, some things inside me clicked together. Financials. Insurance. 401K plan. Health. 2nd career. Getting the age thing wrong on the elliptical. And then I thought, I will enjoy today for what its worth... Endless cupcakes! And great friends, of course.

Dinner started at a new izakaya joint called Robataya. Brought to you by the same people who own Sakagura (who knew eggplant could be taken to a whole other level far beyond eggplant parmesan!), I had great hopes for this new start up, especially on the birthday. An izakaya can be roughly defined as a Japanese bar. Light snacks and small courses are accompanied by drinks, making it ideal for a relaxed night out after work.

Upon entering, it was the most amazing thing I laid my eyes on. Better than diamonds (in my eyes. Yes... Im that easy), these chefs, with long paddles, passed the food to the consumers.

Look, how happy she is to get her seaweed salad.

Super into their soups. What can I say. Plain ole' soup can even be king.

Too happy over champagne.

I think everyone already knows this. More things should come on sticks. Especially, chicken meatball.

This dish was like... having green tea soup. It was strangely, addicting.

Yes... Money shot. Cupcakes galore. Sugar Sweet Sunshine marry me.

The environment and people proved to be better than the food. Cupcakes and champagne were enough to compensate for any downfalls. I had to give it up for their patience of our 3.5 hour dinner. Just wanted to be European for one night.

24... You have done me right. Not bad. Not bad, I say.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Am I secretly Indian?

I have to admit. I pretty much eat anything. Im not shy about it. It flies, swims, crawls and shimmies... Im there. Im no Andrew Zimmern, but, when it comes down to it... Im not afraid to try new cuisines.

Im no expert in Indian food. Tikki masala, garam masala, basically all the masalas under the sun I knew about. Could that been the beginning and the end of Indian food in my book? I think not!

Enter my friend, Shivani. Praise the lord I met you girl! I promise to swap you equal knowledge on chinese food. And, it wont just be stir fried vegetables and kung pao anything.

From chikki to aloo, Ive been enlightened with a word of spices and aromatics that I cant sum up in a sentence. I just cant help myself. I think Im Indian.

As a result of this newfound fondness for Indian cuisine, Shivani and I started a little date night cook night. Let me introduce to you our attempt to be culinary masters: Tasty Thursdays.

On Tasty Thursdays, we cook whatever we like. And this Thursday, we chose Eggplant charchari, an Indian dish that neither of us were familiar with. And an Indian dish that required about a list of spices of scroll length (which most Indian dishes are of, giving it such a robust flavor profile) and two potatoes. Paired with Malaysian paratha, a flaky, layered bread used to dip in curries, daal and other liquidy substances, we were on our way to a good meal.

Shivani and her paratha skills while, Im charring eggplant and potatoes on the right. Team effort at its best.

Our meal comes together. Paired with a side of mint yogurt.

What I give to have some Malaysian paratha right now!

And, thats how you do it on Thursdays. No television or boozy happy hour required.

Monday, October 5, 2009

For the love of all things holy.

I don't know how the world ever ran without Artichoke Basille's Pizzeria. Seriously, where were we without a helping of spinach artichoke slice? Were these days the pre-era of the internet boom? No Twitter? No apps? No Itunes store???!!

The world was crazy then. And, the world is a better place now.


Im not sure if words can express the joy of such a slice. All I can recall is the lack of conversation between my girlfriends during the consumption process.

Our makeshift plates. You, clever girl.

It hit the spot. Every single spot. From knee bone to the head bone, I had some happy bones in me.

And then, the poor crab slice... Neglected. Left out to be criticized for not being as good as the artichoke slice. I'm sorry. You would have had your chance in the spotlight if a pizza shop called Crab opened.