Wednesday, June 24, 2009

When life hands you eggs...

You don't make boiled eggs. Not scrambled. Not poached. Not even an omelet. You make what you call the boyfriend girlfriend Sunday special.

I don't know why the boyfriend and I ever think it's a good theory to make breakfast after a hard night out. The brain doesn't work and we can easily be confused by what the heart wants and what the arms and legs can't do. But, occasionally, this disaster of an idea follows through.

Hence, the guacamole, egg, salsa, cheddar, fennel onion loaf of a creation.
Why we didn't just eat it as it is... I don't recall. Why we wanted bread... Probably to soak up those tainted stomachs. Why we still kept going with the idea and didn't just hit up Clinton Street Bakery for some pancakes... we were probably cheap. We went ahead with it. The bread, the egg, the whole nine yards.

While piling the sandwich, we noticed an overwhelming Jenga effect. I'm all for bread, all the time but in this scenario, we had to ditch the other half.

The failure of a west coast style sandwich = a success of an open face sandwich!
I'm into it. I'm so into it.
Move over, sandwiches. I only have room for overspilling, one slice sandwiches in my life now.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chinese Perks

A few winning points about being Chinese...

1. Supposedly, you have great metabolism and are relatively skinny without really working out too hard. Unfortunately, that rule doesn't apply to me but props to all those I envy.
2. You are not afraid to eat anything because basically you grew up eating everything.
3. You have great, healthy shiny hair. Score one for me!
4. You are good with saving. (I said you are. Not me)
And, lastly and above all else...
You always get your fair share of dim sum!

Pacificana, Sunset Park Brooklyn

This is our spot. Forget Chinatown. There isn't parking there and there definitely is no Pacificana. Solid fare and solid prices. And, Gia Lam is across the street. Vietnamese ice coffee that should be sold in the barrel size. You hear that? Gia Lam owners, if you're reading this... M, L, Barrel. My only request.

And my only second request, dim sum delivery. Any takers? No franchises want to get on that yet? I certainly can picture college kids rolling into a drive thru for the shui mai value meal with either a medium green tea or soy milk. Don't you? How about the dollar menu? We have egg tarts. 2 for $1.

Hey, a girl can dream can't she?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I have a confession to make...

I'm in love with you, miss bloody mary!

I have found a new calling. I mean honestly, a drink that gives me my daily fruit and vegetable intake (Im being overly optimistic and completely oblivious to my produce) should be packed in to-go juice boxes for adults. It's a win win.

The secret to this one was tomato water... and probably lined with crack around the rim. I could not control my licking of the cup. But fortunately enough, it was just secret seasoning mixture.

Almost the weekend... Glorious tomato-fied weekend.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday's Best: The Sequel

It's not very often I eat rice. YES. CALL THE COPS ON ME. I'm asian and I don't like rice. It's really an unlawful act. But, anyone who really knows me, knows that I like it in several forms not being the plain, fluffy white form. So, don't call 911 just yet.

These forms include:
- rice pudding
- rice crispy squares
- chinese rice crackers
- sushi
- paella (god, i love paella)
- spanish rice and beans
- when you throw uncooked rice on the bride and groom at an Asian wedding
- bim bim bop
- and obviously, my mom's stir fried rice!

It's the cheaters way out of eating white rice I have to say. The cheater was happy to have two Paul Bunyan size portions served for dinner after that long Brooklyn exploration.

I should continue expressing my dislike for white rice to get more fulfilled orders for Christine rice approved meals. It seems to be working.

Sunday's Best

I woke up this morning... weary eyed.. lagged.. not well rested (that's what drinking lemonade at 3 am gets you!) and scurried out of my bed and into the kitchen.

Let me remind you, it's not very often that I don't lounge around for one hour watching approximately two minutes of every channel. In fact, I was so intensely driven by an urge to cook potatoes, that I did not even brush my teeth. Rosemary, olive oil, salt, pepper. I was going. Going fast. Chip, chop, stir, scramble, dance, rest, repeat.

I was happy with roasted potatoes and eggs until, father of mine showed up. With this!

My hidden weakness; vietnamese sandwiches. I said goodbye to the potatoes and hello to the crunchy baguette. 10 minutes into the sandwich, I bit into the most "Im hanging out at the center of an erupting volcano" piece. It was hot. No joke. Dead hot. The tea did nothing. The cola seemed to enhance the spiciness some more. Milk? No milk in fridge. Dubliner cheese? The brick was still sealed to perfection. Watermelon? Banana? More vietnamese sandwich? Bathroom time. My last resort included a toothbrush, toothpaste and frantic brushing skills.

The "Icy Cool Mint" did not hold up to its name. Mouth still scorched, I went for the most practical thing in the house.

Peanut butter fudge!
It had the dairy aspect that I needed from it. And, honestly, I wasn't too into the sour cream that would have held as option number two. At my confused state of mind, the fudge did the trick. I was eradicated from the scoville plague.

Wow. Is my tongue still there?
Pretty much. What a close one. I'm sidelining myself for 15 minutes.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pop Tarts... You, Sly Dog!!

I have always had a soft spot for Pop Tarts. I mean.. Who doesn't?!! That smores flavor. I never need to leave the house. Instantly, a (was) standby in any college cubby.

Leaving college, I never revisited Pop Tarts. Just way too many other foods to give up shelf space for.

And, then came this!

Pop Tarts Kid Dancing - Celebrity bloopers here

This dangerously, cute cartoon from Pop Tarts. HOW DID THEY KNOW IM A SUCKER FOR ALL THINGS ANIMATED, BIG HEADED, DANCING and OFF THE WALL ADORABLE! They must have my behavioral data somewhere. I am now convinced that if my mother gave me frosty strawberry pastries with real fruit everyday, I too, would dance my way off to work.

Must. Get. Pop Tarts. Now.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Finally, a happy hour we can all be happy about (especially the wallet!)

It's about time NYC got an appropriate happy hour!
One after work that is.
Especially, one after 6 o'clock to be exact, where no one has to partake in any type of rushing downtown to slam down a drink 5 minutes before happy hour ends.

Not at Elettaria. Because at Elettaria, you are treated with respect and they understand the pain of the 9 to 6ers. Thank you, Elettaria. You are just too kind.

To top it off, not only are these cocktails half off, but... get ready for it.. get ready...
The menu was created by yours truly, the Death & Co. crew! So automatically, that is a spot in the Drinks Hall of Fame. With the best girls around, we went about and sipped our Rita Hayworths around the clock.

Rainy days usually deserve drinks. If not, mandatory drinks.

Their Dark & Stormy. Not much to complain about here.

And clearly, for obvious reasons, nothing to complain about there.
Serious fans of cheek to cheek girlfriend kisses. We're all a little European. Or perhaps, those were the Hayworth's acting up.

Go to Elettaria!

Make that check out for 8,000 lychees, please

Have you checked your calendars yet?
Yeah, you're missing it. I know you are.
How could you? 
Drop the watermelon, strawberries, mangoes and all those old standbys...
And start mingling with the lychees.

Now, if only I could eat them faster.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ain't no cookin' like momma's cooking. That's right...

There are times when Mother Liang can be more than one or an army of Christine's can handle.
Here are some Academy Award winning moments:

Sundays; wiping around the couch while we are sitting on it enjoying bad Sunday afternoon tv. Let me add to the fact that the tv is also being wiped down. AND THE REMOTE CONTROL. If we just plastic-fied everything, I think life could be slightly easier.

Nights; while watching tv, she will proceed to turn on the laptop, find her asian soap opera and play it. SIMULTANEOUSLY. Yes, sound overlapping is way great.

Weekends; when asian fury strikes after one alcoholic drink. "Mei (She calls me Mei. Sometimes, Mei Mei, to get back to my youthful days), you are having too many cold beverages. Its bad for you. No wonder your skin is bad. All that mixing in there is not good for your health in the long run. In the future, you will have bad aches and pains. You have a big red patch on your neck. I think you're allergic." And this is while I'm standing there making another drink, in front of all my friends. Mom!!! You're embarrassing me!!!

But, despite all of that... Everyday she is one all star mom, with some mvp cooking.

No time is a good time unless its... Hot Pot Time. 

My version of her fish. I think I'm 97% there with this recipe. Although, she always points out my ginger cutting needs improvement. Thinner slices, Christine. Thinner slices! Where did I go wrong!

Shrimp / Chicken Ho Fun. The body's medicinal cure. These noodles can turn away all evil spirits. Yes, noodles can do that. Don't doubt the power of noodles.

And for my Father Liang... he has his high points too. He's on my side. A feaster. The benefits of marrying a well rounded woman. Props to you dad!