Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lazy Sundays

Sunday Brunch. Via Chef Mom.
Like I promised. Noodle pictures. 
Plus, a whole lot of football...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Holiday on Mopped Floors

It's that first, ice breaking post... And it's definitely not on the maximum level of excitement. But, you have to start somewhere. 

Being Chinese and all, Christmas is one of those nonexistent holidays. As important as Groundhog's Day and as forgetful as a 50th Birthday, our family has one tradition on this day, and one tradition only. Cleaning. If anything, at this household, it should be renamed Spring Clean Fling Festival of All Festivals in Preparation of the New Year's Bonanza. Overbearingly long but holds true to its name. 

While I am all about being sanitary, my mother can take it to extreme levels of chlorine and excessive brushing, dusting and anything else ending with -ing. 

On the other hand, with all work comes play. And my folks fed me some of their home cooked shrimp and chow mein (Picture not shown; but trust me... There will be PLENTY of chinese noodle images to come. I eat plenty of it, ALL THE TIME). Dessert was minimal; plethora of fruits yet not a fruitcake in sight! Somewhat a sigh of relief one would say. My parents are the least bit interested in dessert, which makes me question where my sweet tooth comes in the picture (I have a salt tooth also. Sour is there. And so is every other "S" under the sun). 

I'm heading to Jadis tonight. The wine bar in the LES. Maybe I can salvage some Christmas/Holiday gluttony there. We shall see...